Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I read through my old post and realized that I should proofread my blogs before posting them. Like any good English major, I should go back and correct my mistakes but since I am just an English major and not a good English major, I won't correct my mistakes. =) That and the fact that I am a lazy ass b-otch.
I am half way through the fall semester of my second year of college.
Have I achieved anything that I proposed to myself two summers ago?
Not entirely.
Has anything happened to me since then?
Yes, more than what I could have bargained for.
What happened?
Nothing really, my father had a stroke, was declared brain dead on my birthday and now we're are just trying to make up our minds on whether we should disconnect him or not. If we do disconnect him we would do it in the first weeks of January, why?
We have no fucking idea.
Other than that I think I am doing alright.
But really I'm not okay....
There's a lot of shit in my head and not enough time or energy to regurgitate everything that's in my coco (slang word in Spanish for 'head').

But enough about my father....i'll write about that when I don't have homework to do instead of writing a blog.
Anywho...unto other matters...
I've made new friends. =)
Isn't that interesting?? Yes it is. Who are they?
Well they are the FYI Cohort, which is the group of students in the Teaching Credential program. They are very nice peeps. =)
I will admit that I get along with Samantha the best.
Nevertheless there is that whole wall thing to it too. I will admit that I don't want to tear it down, I feel rather comfortable behind my imaginary wall. They really do not know much about me and I like it exactly that way. They know enough to sustain a good conversation, by enough Imean, religous/political views, habits (like smoking, habit which the whole group, except Esther and Gabby, dislike), among other mundane things. They know nothing emotional, and for them to see that side of me is going to take a while. Nevertheless, I think they deserve better than that, they were very supportive when they found out about what happened to my dad, but it's hard. Besided, I doubt they'll care much. I think we are all like that at this junction. Be it as it may, I think I'm gtting along just fine (despite the fact that my dad is ill).
I think I'll be alright in the future and that makes me feel safe. =)
I am mangng my classes quite fine (except Japanese, which turned out to be much more challenging than I though it would be).

Well that is it for now.

Oh by the way, I am not proofreading this blog either. =D