Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Resolutions

Alrighty! Summer is here and I am planning to make the most of it. To begin with I want to have fun this summer (since last summer was so grim -_-). To be rather honest I am so hyped up over summer (even though you can't tell, I really am) that I began to build castles in the air about it. I have made plans to go to the movies, go to borders and all those old habits of mine, then mix them in with the new habits =D like spending time with friends and getting ocassionally drunk =D....


Responsibility comes before anything else, and with such things as bills and expenditures I now have (and get no credit for =[) There was no other choice for me than to look for a second job. I have applied to many places and personally I would love it if I get hired at GameStop =D....

Alrighty since plans are not plans until you write them down, this is what my summer resolutions are:

  • Get a new Job
  • Start working out again
  • Stop Smoking
  • Go to the movies
  • Read my ass off
  • Catch up on all the shows I've been missing out on
  • Catch up with my vidoe games
  • Have fun
  • Hang out
  • Rest!!!!
  • More family time (can never have too much of that)
  • and start school =D

There those are the things I must accomplish in the next two months. With my shitty luck will not get anything done, but I am trying to stay positive! So I will start working on this goals starting today! (its Monday..get it!)

Well yeah that is it.....

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